Guadalupe Cabrera


Guadalupe is a dental hygienist and mother of three teenagers. She graduated in 2016 from a dental hygiene program in Georgia and began her career there. Guadalupe then moved to Arizona and achieved certification for local anesthesia, nitrous analgesia, and laser therapy. After her husband retired from the military in 2019, they moved to Anchorage where Guadalupe started working at HCD. She continues to improve herself and to provide her best as a person and hygienist. She also speaks fluent Spanish!

Describe the work that you do:

Patient education in oral health and moderate oral home care.

How did you get into your line of work?

I had a conversation with a friend who is a hygienist and was encouraged to go to college for it.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

A mom, wife, teacher.

What lessons has your work life taught you?

A sense of belonging and that there are friends/family to gain from work.

Do you have any favorite stories from your work life?

Hearing people incorrectly pronounce dental terms.

Why do you stay in dentistry?

Dentistry excites me!